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I'm a nutritional therapy practitioner, Jesus follower & gluten-free-pizza-lover. I help women ditch the chains of diet culture and step into a mind-body-spirit kind of healthy. Because there IS a way you can love living in your body!

oh heyyy, I'm mollie

Are you ready for more energy, less bloating, clearer skin, and better moods? Watch this free training to learn more about how your gut microbiome is the answer to these stubborn issues and the exact steps to take to address the root cause and gain lasting relief.


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Chocolate Goddess Smoothie Bowl


comments +

  1. Tammy Sammons says:

    OH MY!!! I AM going to have to try this!!! I crave chocolate all the time!!

  2. Jordan says:

    Thanks for sharing the recipe, Mollie-
    It’s as amazing as you said it would be!

  3. Rachel says:

    Chocolate goodness is right! Yum!!!

  4. So much goodness in there! Now I want one

  5. Sarah says:

    Ok I just made this with a few adjustments (I didn’t have flax or the Rootz) but your right, it’s so yummy! Love the creaminess.

  6. Abbey Sharp says:

    This bowl looks so creamy and delicious!

  7. Rebecca says:

    oh hello chocolate! this looks delicious

  8. this sounds like a dessert bowl that is totally breakfast friendly!

  9. Kalee says:

    This looks so good, and I love that you included collagen! It has helped my skin so much!

  10. Emily says:

    Chocolate in the morning, chocolate in the evening, chocolate anytime!! My kind of recipe 😉 hehe

  11. You had me at chocolate!!! This looks so darn delicious. I love any meal that lets me eat chocolate at breakfast.

  12. Natalie says:

    Wait, cauliflower in smoothie? Oh I HAVE to try this. Sounds so interesting. Well this bowl looks absolutely amazing. I’ll give it a go 😉

  13. This looks so tasty! Love the flavor and protein in this.

  14. Jill Conyers says:

    I love smoothie bowls especially chocolate! I’ve never heard of this brand of protein.

  15. Mandy Harrison says:

    Mollie, this is amazing!

  16. Hillary Mark says:

    Love this combo of flavors!! The chocolate banana really hid the greens and cauliflower.

  17. Jennifer S says:

    Our new favorite dessert!!!

  18. Vickie says:

    Mollie, this is amazing. I wish I had made this BEFORE our Zoom call yesterday rather than AFTER. I would have given it a big plug. It tasted like I was eating chocolate ice cream. Perfection!

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