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gut health

I'm a nutritional therapy practitioner, Jesus follower & gluten-free-pizza-lover. I help women ditch the chains of diet culture and step into a mind-body-spirit kind of healthy. Because there IS a way you can love living in your body!

oh heyyy, I'm mollie

Are you ready for more energy, less bloating, clearer skin, and better moods? Watch this free training to learn more about how your gut microbiome is the answer to these stubborn issues and the exact steps to take to address the root cause and gain lasting relief.


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How I treated my leaky gut naturally

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why (and how) I love my 4:30am alarm

The shot I start every morning with

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a biblically-rooted approach to nutritional foundations and holistic wellness.

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a gut health protocol designed to reset, rebuild and restore your gut microbiome.

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DIY Rose + Lavender Soothing Bath Salts


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  1. Julie says:

    my new favorite self-care treat! ????????

  2. […] from Mollie Mason has a wonderful recipe for rose lavender bath salts on her blog if you want to give it a […]

  3. Karry says:

    how much should i use in one bath?

  4. Karry says:

    I originally gave this recipe 4 stars because it did not include the amount to be used per bath. However this is definitely a 5 star recipe! Thank you Mollie!

    • Mollie Mason says:

      Thanks for the kind words, Karry! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed it! Hope it’s made your bath times extra sweet 🙂 I didn’t add a serving size as I know it varies per person, but I can see how that would be helpful. How much do you use per bath?

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